The majority of mail order marriages around the world today involve foreign brides from developing countries.
This trend is driven by various factors, including socioeconomic status, cultural traditions regarding gender roles and early marriage, and globalization. While there are some concerns surrounding such marriages given their potential for exploitation or human trafficking, many couples find success in such unions as well.
Whether you are looking for love abroad or simply want to explore other options for your next relationship or or buy a bride, it would be worthwhile to consider whether a partnership with someone from a different country would be the right choice for you. And as our world continues to become more globalized, these relationships will likely only increase in importance over time.
Este jueves se llevó a cabo en el Centro de Salud Juana Micono, la Primera JORNADA - TALLER INTERINSTITUCIONAL EN SALUD MENTAL, para la implementación del protocolo de atención de urgencias en Salud Mental bajo la ley de Salud Mental Nacional N° 26657. Contando con la presencia en la de las siguientes instituciones y referentes :
-Intendente Municipal Omar Ferreyra
-Subsecretario de Salud Dr. Jorge Soria
-Directora de Desarrollo Social Noelia Aráoz
-Red de promoción, prevención y asistencia (Hospital Santa María - Hospital Domingo Funes, EAC Valle Hermoso)
- Licenciada Susana Guzmán, Trabajadora Social, Área Desarrollo Social, Municipalidad de Villa Giardino.
-Área de Salud Mental, Licenciada Mónica Quintana, Licenciada Eugenia Domínguez
- Área de Discapacidad, Municipalidad de Villa Giardino, Licenciada Marina Sinaí
-Coordinadora Raac At. Heredia Gisele
-Representantes de la Comisaría de Villa Giardino
Av. San Martín 045 - Villa Giardino - Córdoba - Argentina - Tel: + 54-03548-491-339 / Fax: + 54-03548-491-098
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