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Importante reunión en Vialidad Nacional

The Disadvantages of a European Bride. One of the biggest disadvantages of marrying a European woman is the language barrier. Unless you are fluent in her native language, you will likely find it difficult to communicate with your wife on a daily basis. Even if you are able to learn her language, there will still be times when miscommunications occur.Another disadvantage of a European bride is the cultural differences. Even if she is from a Western country, there will still be certain customs and traditions that she is used to that may be unfamiliar to you. This can make it difficult to connect on a deeper level and may even lead to conflict.You also need to consider the political climate in Europe when deciding whether or not to marry a European woman. With the current refugees crisis and the rise of right-wing populism, there is a lot of tension and instability in many parts of Europe. This can make it difficult for foreigners, including husbands of European brides, to feel welcome and safe.

La semana pasada el encargado del Área de Inspección General Javier Spagnolo se reunió en Vialidad Nacional con el Ingeniero Claudio Bracamonte a cargo de los proyectos sobre ruta nacional 38, ultimando detalles sobre el proyecto de ingreso al barrio Los Quimbaletes, para una vez concluido el mismo llamar a licitación pública para la realización de la obra. Por otro lado también se trató el tema de la demarcación de la ruta, el corte de malezas y arreglo de banquinas, quedando el compromiso que a los largo de este mes una cuadrilla de vialidad estará trabajando sobre esa arteria vial en nuestra localidad.


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